Today, BitTorrent is the most common technology to share digital materials in spite of any type of limitation imposed by the copyright regulations. Through BitTorrent, it is possible to download every type of files: movies, TV shows, songs, software and games. Unfortunately, the freedom and the ease of downloading desired content could pose serious risks for unaware users. They often get infected with malicious code hidden behind a torrent.
The two pages are quite similar. There is a short description of the film with a big and evident button to download the torrent file. After downloading the films, we are presented with a folder containing the movie and an executable with the Codec pack that enables the view of the movie:
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Download File:
Figure 16 shows the description of the torrent. In the area reserved for the details of the software, there is a minimal guide to install it. However, it is immediately visible that something is suspicious: the dimension of the file is quite small. So after downloading the file, we have the following folder on the computer:
While we were analyzing the Torrent network, we decided to dissect an interesting sample of malware related to a huge botnet spreading in the wild. This has been dubbed Sathurbot. This malicious code was one of the numerous types of malware distributed through torrents, pretending to be a Codec Pack necessary to display the video just downloaded by the victims. An older version of it had already been analyzed by ESET researchers in 2017. The new malware variant shows some different behavior from the older one.
But don't despair! We've put together a list of the very best VPNs for torrenting. These services will help protect your privacy when downloading torrents, going about your day-to-day browsing, and when relying on public Wi-Fi hotspots.
IPVanish is a reliable pick, thanks to its zero-logs policy and OpenVPN encryption, and can help you access restricted torrenting sites from across the globe. And because IPVanish has apps for all platforms, you'll be able to perform secure downloads on any device, no matter whether you're at home or on the go.
Useful Articles How to Torrent safely on Android A guide to mobile torrenting How to download torrents on iPhone & what are the best torrent downloaders for iPhone How to Torrent with a VPN on Chromebook & Chrome OS
It may seem counterintuitive but if you set the download speed of QBittorrent to 80% of your maximum download speed it can help you download faster. It is important to make sure you perform the speed test with your VPN enabled as you will always download using it.
Obviously, the speed of each download will depend on the health of your torrent and the number of seeders, but rest assured things were positive with qBittorrent in our download. If you decide to stop seeding or downloading a torrent, the application gives you an option to delete the content off your hard drive, a great setting that makes it easy to choose whether or not to keep your platform going. 2ff7e9595c